
OptiFibre HDR and OptiFibre Pro Model Comparison

Overview of the OptiFibre Pro HDR Module

OptiFibre Pro HDR is Designed for Enterprise, Datacenter, Outside Plants and PON Fibre

As fibre networks evolve, the need to test in more locations has increased. OTDRs are now needed for:

  • FTTx
  • Enterprise
  • OSP
  • PON

Many OTDRs for fibre troubleshooting are designed for carrier and contain cumbersome and complicated features. The OptiFibre Pro OTDR family is the first class of OTDRs that is built with features and usability for both the enterprise network engineers, and cable installers working in both enterprise and OSP environments.

OptiFibre HDR

Overview of the OptiFibre HDR Pro Module

The OptiFibre® Pro HDR (High Dynamic Range) Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) module attaches to a Versiv and Versiv™ 2 main unit to make a rugged, hand-held tester that lets you locate, identify, and measure reflective and loss events on singlemode fibres in outside plant (OSP) and premises installations.

The HDR OTDR test results includes the location and performance of unpowered (passive) splitters used in PON (passive optical network) installations. A typical maximum test range is 260 km for a link with no splitters. The modules include these features:

  • Automatic analysis of OTDR traces and events helps you identify and locate faults on singlemode fibre.
  • Shows OTDR results as an intuitive map of events, a table of events, and an OTDR trace. PON OTDR test results include the locations and split ratios of optical splitters.
  • Automatic bi-directional averaging gives you more accurate loss measurements than measurements made in one direction.  OptiFibre HDR is capable of calculating bi-directional averages on-board so you can measure the loss of events more accurately in the field without having to work through software on a PC.
  • “Document Only” test limit is available if PASS/FAIL results are not necessary.
  • SmartLoop™ OTDR technology tests two fibres in a single test eliminating the need to travel to the far end of the connection to perform tests.

See Also NEW FEATURES of OptiFibre Pro HDR

How does OptiFibre Pro HDR compare to the OptiFibre Pro Quad Module?

OptiFibre HDR and OptiFibre Pro Model Comparison

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